
Monday, October 19, 2020

This Blog has moved

Just click here to go to the new site. All content from this site is included in the new site, then there is new content starting with September 2020. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Learn Google Photos - The Book tl;dr

The book, Learn Google Photos 2020, will be released on September 1. At roughly 150 pages, you might say TL;DR - too long don't read, so we're writing this chapter by chapter summary for you.

More than a book

In addition to the printed book, or ...
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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Google Photos is 5 Years old and brand new

Google Photos was released in May of 2015, see the launch video here. To celebrate 5 years and over 1 Billion users, Google has given the app a major facelift. First of all, it has a new logo.

 Old icon

 New icon

Simplify, ...

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Friday, June 19, 2020

Google Photos can stabilize videos

I hope you've discovered that your smartphone camera takes great videos, and videos add so much to the experience of your memories. Even just 15 second clips, combined with your photos, can bring your memories to life in delightful ways. But, any ...

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Thursday, June 4, 2020

How Google Photos can Scan a QR Code

I'm sure you've all been asked to scan a QR code, like the one at the right, at some point in time. That's how you can get a discount coupon at a store, or get more information about a product from a print ad, or make an appointment at a hair ...
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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Show your Google Photos like a screensaver on your TV

We no longer turn our TVs off except for overnight. The rest of the time, if we're not watching a show, they are displaying our chosen Google Photos albums. We just love that our house is filled with our travel photos, especially in this time of ...
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Monday, April 20, 2020

Ten ways of using albums in Google Photos

If you're not making albums, you're not using the capabilities of Google Photos. It's by adding photos to albums that you can make your own groupings. Realize that Albums are NOT like folders, they do not store your photos. Photos are stored in one ...
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